Pathways and multiple clubs

Many members of 104 London Debaters are also members of another club. This leads to a couple of questions:

  • Which pathways projects should I do at 104?
  • Should I start a second pathway?
  • Which club should be my home club in pathways base camp?
  • Which club should get credit for awards?

Pathways projects suitable for debates (which projects should I do at 104)?

Some pathways projects (speeches) have objectives that can easily be met in a debate speech, while some would be much more challenging. The following projects fit well in 104:

  • Level 1: Learning from Evaluation
  • Level 1: Research your topic
  • Level 4: chair a panel discussion

Whereas the objectives for the level 2 speeches are much more difficult.

You may therefore wish to consider doing level 2 speeches at your other club, even if that results in speeches being delivered slightly out of order.

Should I start a second pathway?

Ultimately, this is up to the member concerned. My feeling for new members is that initially you should make progress on one path delivering projects at the club most appropriate. Once you reach Level 4/5, you will realise that the projects are predominantly not speeches (though chairing a panel discussion is ideal in a debate club). As you need to complete two paths to achieve DTM, it's worth considering starting a second path (which will cost you $20) so you can still get pathways credit for the speeches you are delivering.

Award Credit

Many members of 104 London Debaters are members of more than one club. When you achieve educational awards in pathways, you choose which club gets credit in the distinguished club programme.You should try to be fair to both clubs.

For awards to be official, they need to be claimed in club central as well as base camp (by an officer of the club) - with the club claiming the award getting credit in the distinguished club programme ( DCP points).

Pathways BaseCamp home club

Each time you log in to pathways BaseCamp, you can choose your home club. This allows that club's VPE (and president and secretary) to see your pathways progress - and allow them to approve your awards in pathways base camp.

The club that gets a level completion request is likely to be the one that claims your award in club central, so either set the home club to the one that you expect to claim the award, or have as very clear conversation with the VPEs concerned if that's not what you intend.

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